Florida appreciates sustainable practices

Sustainable Practices Survey   

The purpose of this questionnaire is part of the research for my book "Sustainable Gardening for Florida" to be published by University Press of Florida.   This book is targeted to homeowners, landscape managers, businesses, and other organizations with properties to manage.  My preliminary research shows that people are interested in local programs and also that county employees or county extension agents want to know which other counties have successful programs.   I will be happy to share what I find with you and I also want to include some of your best programs in my book.   I'm sending this to both county extension agents and county administrators or planning and zoning departments; if you know of others who might have good information to add, please forward this link to them.    Thanks so much for taking the time to do this.  

Ginny Stibolt  July 2007  gstibolt@sky-bolt.com 

This survey is no longer active.

First Name: 

Last Name: 


This personal information is for my files and will be used only if there are questions. 



Does your county:

1) use sustainable landscaping methods when maintaining public lands? If so, what practices? 
Are they mandated?

2) practice stormwise and firewise principles in maintaining public lands? If so, are your citizens likewise encouraged?

3) make compost from yard waste available to citizens at no charge?  Is it free of plastic bag scraps?  Does the county use it in its landscaping and maintenance activities? 

4) encourage its citizens to use rain barrels and to build rain gardens to ease the stormwater runoff? 

5) have an "adopt a stormwater retention pond" program?  If so, how well is it working? 

6) have any other programs to encourage its citizens to be more sustainable? If so, what are they and who's in charge?

Do you have any other comments or suggestions??

 Would you like to receive an email with the results from this survey?  

 Do you want to be notified when "Sustainable Gardening for Florida" is available?

This survey is no longer active.

Thanks so much! 

If you have anything else to add, please email Ginny Stibolt: gstibolt@sky-bolt.com.

blue-green globe Who am I?  See my Transplanted Gardener website

© Ginny Stibolt 2007


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